Saturday, April 14, 2007

Oyster Creek: The Truth Revealed

Wednesday, April 25, the Cornucopia Network of NJ will be sponsoring a marvelous opportunity. Richard Webster, a board member, will speak about "Oyster Creek: The Truth Revealed" at 7:30 at the Fire Station Auditorium at 1 Pine Street in Montclair. To get to the Auditorium from Grove Street Montclair, turn left (east) onto Glen Ridge Avenue, one block north of Bloomfield Avenue.
At the first light turn right onto Pine Street (which also intersects Bloomfield Avenue, but is harder to find that way). Park in the Bay Street station lot on your left. The fire station is just to its right, and you can either walk up one flight of stairs or take an elevator to the auditorium on the second floor.
Oyster Creek is the nation's oldest operating nuclear power plant. It need not meet modern safety standards for renewal. There are signs of decay from the original standards of 40 years ago. Its license renewal is being thwarted only by a legal challenge by six citizens' groups.
Citizen pressure on the NRC and politicians can matter.
Richard is the lawyer at the Rutgers Environmental Law Clinic representing these six citizen groups, and he has found very odd (and
disturbing) facts in his legal research. He was an environmental consultant for years after earning an undergraduate degree in physics and a master's in hydrology. This will be another gripping evening.
A flyer can be provided, we would be glad to have you post it wherever you can.

Forwarded by Pat Kenschaft

-- Stephane

Monday, April 9, 2007

Celebrating Earth Hour by switching off the lights

From, April 06, 2007 entry

Citizens of Sydney, both businesses and individuals, were invited to turn off their lights for just one hour, Earth Hour -- 7.30pm to 8.30pm on March 31st 2007 -- as a sign of their commitment to reduce global warming. Estimates were that more than 2 million Sydney residents joined Earth Hour, causing a 10.2% drop in energy usage across Sydney, according to Energy Australia. Furthermore, more than 30% of the businesses on the Australian Stock Exchange committed; 90 McDonalds, for instance, turned off the lights in their golden arches. This Earth Hour was just the start of a campaign that aims to reduce Sydney's greenhouse emissions by 5% in 2007. The event demonstrated the power of simple, coordinated actions and carried a compelling message: caring about the future of the planet. [ more ]

Be The Change:
Make one conscious decision today to reduce your own environmental footprint. Check out this article and its 50 ideas. [ more ]

-- Stephane

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Glen Ridge Environmental Awareness Fair - Sunday, April 15th from 1 to 4 p.m.

Glen Ridge is having an Environmental Awareness Fair on Sunday, April 15th from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Glen Ridge Train Station & Gazebo. If you are in town, stop by to support our neighbor, and explore some environmental issues they are sharing with their residents.
For more information, contact Deborah Mac Evoy Jacobsen 51 Lynwood Road, Verona
973 857 1526

-- Stephane

Saturday, March 31, 2007

ComputeRecycle Day a big success from the start

9:00am, Saturday March 31:
Gray Russell and his team from Advanced Recovery, Inc. - a regional electronics recycling company, were at hand pallets and wrapping film at the ready.

Discarded electronic equipments from Montclair's attics, basements, garages and closets started flowing from the time the Public Works Yard opened.

I visited the event at 9:15, and already several pallets were full and being loaded into the container!

I dropped the 5 or 6 computers picked up from my Sundays cruising the Montclair bulky waste, talked to the New York Times reporter and Gray who were overseeing the operations and took some pictures before leaving at 9:30am.

I am looking forward to reading about it in the Sunday Times and the Montclair Times next Thursday.

If you have visited the event, drop us a line.
More on

-- Stephane Mortier

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

From Lisa Redburn
Director, Adult School of Montclair

On Monday, April 23, in celebration of Earth Day, the Adult School is hosting a forum on Global Warming. Please help spread the word.
Global Warming Solutions: How We Can Change Our Future Monday, April 23, 7-9pm at The Adult School of Montclair in Montclair High School, 100 Chestnut Street
This comprehensive, plain-spoken explanation will make clear what you, your family, your community, and your legislators can -- and must -- do to prevent the worst impacts of global warming. Come away with a better understanding of the urgency, and some concrete solutions.
Gray Russell, Environmental Coordinator, Township of Montclair; official presenter of The Climate Project slide show explaining the science of global warming (selected and trained by Al Gore and a team of scientists and educators in Nashville, Tennessee in December, 2006).
Suzanne Leta Liou, director, Environment New Jersey, a statewide citizen-based environmental advocacy organization; leader of Environment New Jersey's Global Warming Solutions and New Energy Future campaigns.
Fee is $5. There is also a $5 registration fee for those not already taking other classes at the Adult School. For information about group rates please email
For more information or to sign up, go to or call the office at 973-746-6636

-- Stephane Mortier

Monday, March 12, 2007

Montclair ComputeRecycle Day - March 31st

The Township's next Computerecycling Day event will be hosted on Saturday, March 31 at the Public Works Yard at 219 No. Fullerton Avenue from 9am - 2pm
Kudos to Gray Russell for his stewardship on the matter.

-- Stephane Mortier

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Freecycling in an around Montclair is a site where you can offer an item of yours that you no longer need, or read posts to see if an item you need is being offered by another. The rules are simple: Everything posted must be free, legal, and appropriate for all ages.

A listing of NJ freecycle pages are located here. If you do not see your particular town or county there (I live in Passaic County, not Essex, and noticed that my particular county wasn't listed) you can head over to Yahoogroups to search for your particular area. Type in "freecycle" and your town or county, and look through the results.

Essex County's Freecycle Yahoogroups page is here. There are 1,259 member of this group, so the liklihood that your posts will be read and your donations used in a timely manner are pretty high.

Passaic County's Freecycle Yahoogroups page is here. There are 1,882 members in this group so again, the chances that your posts will be read and your donations used/taken in a timely manner are very good.

I've seen everything from coupons to computer power supplies to pianos to doors for your home advertised here, all free for the taking. Consider using this resource if you have an item that you no longer use, and cannot find an appropriate outlet to sell or donate it to. Also, before heading off to your local store to buy something new...check out the pages first to see if someone has an item that you need! You can save money and help reduce waste at the same time!

--Ginny Sanchez